Jun 01 2009
Welcome to RoyalEagle.net
Welcome to the web site of Royal Eagle. This summer brings another opportunity for an epic journey. As I did during the summer of 2005 (Lake Superior) and 2007 (Lake Michigan), I plan to spend approximately three months on Royal Eagle. During the summer of 2009, Royal Eagle will be found heading back to beautiful waters of Lake Superior.
Please feel free to click on the links to the left to see the complete log of the past trips or click on the blog tab above to check my progress on the current voyage. If you’re interested, you can also sign up for automatic emails of the current log by entering your email address in the “Subscribe to Blog” box on the lower left side of this page.
I hope you enjoy this website. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me an email (kip@royaleagle.net).
Best regards,
Kip Schmidt
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