Jul 16 2009

July 15 Pike’s Bay to Rossport Marina.

Published by Kip at 4:22 pm under Uncategorized

It started raining and blowing last night at about 2300 and continued all night, but the wind only occasionally got above 10 knots in our protected anchorage. The forecast for the next few days sounded bad so we elected to leave and go to Rossport today versus sit here in the rain and cold. We were out of the protection of the Slates at 1000 and had a rough two hours heading NW to the Schreiber Channel. The winds were up to 25 knots, the seas were 6-8 feet with an occasional 10 footer and the visibility was less than 1/2 mile in rain and mist. But everything was on our stern so it was only modestly uncomfortable. As we entered Schreiber Chaqnnel the visibilty dropped to 100 yards and I turned on the radar. For the next hour we navigated through the islands strictly using GPS and radar. Most of the islands we never even saw. By 1300 we finally pulled up to the dock at the marina and the people were surprised to see us come out of the fog. The rest of the day we dodged raindrops while we walked around the area enjoying the abundant gardens containing impressive stands of lupines in all colors. We investigated the Rossport Inn and rhe serendipity Gardens Cafe for dinner and chose the latter. We both enjoyed our meal and expect to go back again tonight. It is great  to be back in civilization. Though truth be told other than the two restaurants, several B&B’s and one gift shop there is nothing else here.

We have arranged to stay in Rossport tomorrow and have the Harbourmaster take us to Schreiber (13 miles) where we can do laundry and I will start provisioning for next week when Will and the four grandsons  arrive. I will not do another post until the 7/17.

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