Jul 20 2009

July 18 Woodbine Harbour to CPR Slip 13.2 NM

Published by Kip at 8:53 pm under Uncategorized

I was in CPR Slip in 2005 and I have been looking forward to returning since then.  We weighed anchor at 0830 and ventured out into a mostly sunny  but cold day with NW wind blowing 15-20 knots . This was off the land so the seas were fairly flat.  You have to snake your way around several islands and shoals to get into  tiny CPR Slip and things were going well until a 25 knot gust hit me as I was making the last turn into the harbor and pushed me on to a gravel and sand shoal at the entrance.  However, there  were  already about six boats  here and two of them took there dinghies and came out to pull me off. This was the first of many courtesies  extended by these friendly people. We were able to pull alongside the same dock I used in 2005 and although I am sticking out 15 feet we have a line off the port bow to a tree which gives us a secure tie up.  Things have not changed much at CPR Slip. There are still 3 small docks on the south side of the cove in front of the Bunk House and Sauna and one on the north side The one dock which used to be on the east side is temporarily out but they plan to replace it.

As it turns out  the Northern Lake Superior Power Squadron is having their Rendezvous here this weekend and as the day progressed  four more boats arrived.  After lunch, Kevin and I made  the 2 mile, 600 foot climb to the lookout above CPR.  At two places on the well marked trail there are ropes secured to trees which you need to  use to climb some steep terrain. The view from the top is magnificent. We signed the logbook  which is maintained at the top and were surprised to learn we were only the 10th and 11th people to climb up there this year. I also was able to photograph two different varieties of wild terrestrial  orchids we saw alongside the trail.

The rest of the day was just plain FUN. We had our sauna which was as good as I remembered, we were invited to join the group’s cookout and stuffed ourselves with a variety of delicious offerings, we sat around the campfire telling stories and drinking wine until midnight, we enjoyed great music played from a setup which was powered by a generator from one of the boats, and we enjoyed a clear sky filled with stars and one very bright satellite which passed overhead at about 2300. It was a great day and I am looking forward to being here tomorrow as well.  By the  it looks like it will not be as cold tonight and the prospect is for a mild day tomorrow.

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