Aug 07 2009

August 6 Madeline Island Yacht Club

Published by Kip at 12:37 pm under Uncategorized

We had another sunny though somewhat cool day and are staying here until Sunday to catch up on things as well as to attend the GLCC Lake Superior Rally which takes place on Friday and Saturday. At 1100 John and I caught the Madeline Island ferry over to Bayfield. We enjoyed the short 15 minute trip especially watching the 15+ sailboats which were in sight. That was quite a contrast to the relatively desolate waters thru which we have been traveling.  We walked the small town and then went to Maggies for lunch which was excellent. Afterwards we bought some lamp oil at the local Ace Hardware, some fresh produce at the IGA and checked out a few shops. We found nothing that tickled our fancy and were soon on the ferry back to Madeline Island. At 1800 the Cory’s, Floyd’s and another couple joined us for margaritas and then we all went down to Red Sky for a pork tenderloin dinner. We provided a lettuce, avocado and capers salad for the affair.  It was another very pleasant evening with our new friends.

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One Response to “August 6 Madeline Island Yacht Club”

  1. Neil Hayeson 12 Aug 2009 at 9:42 am

    Kip – Continue to enjoy the voyage. Am able to visit most of the locations with google maps; the mind sailing is great too. By the way its much warmer in VAB. Also, there was a super NATGEO program a day or 2 ago about the Great Lakes. Had never given much thought to how the lakes were formed and then connected. Quite a story. Long – short; advance and retreat of the glaciers during the ice ages. Believe they said the largest lake is Superior and it has depths in excess of 1000 feet. You may want to see if you can find the program on the web/NATGEO channel as you have become quit a Great Lakes explorer. Take Care and Regards. Neil