Jun 24 2009

June 22 Tobermory to Covered Portage via Killarney 46.9 NM

Published by Kip at 8:50 am under Uncategorized

We departed at 0700 under sunny, clear skies and no wind. Initially cool, the day warmed up and became the hottest day thus far as we made progress north across Georgian Bay. Lew and Gretchen made the decision to tie up at the Killarney Mountain Lodge versus anchor.  We made a brief  45 minute stop at the LCBO dock to pick up supplies and to give Don and Kerry a chance to walk the town. Their take, ” there isn’t  much here”. All in all the place was deserted with not a single boat tied up at the Sportsman’s Inn.  We were all in shorts now and it seems we have a major change in the weather taking place with sunny, warm days replacing the cool, rain and fog. We anchored at 1515 in 9 feet of water in the western end of Covered Portage, a beautiful anchorage surrounded by steep rock cliffs and wooded hills. I cooked white beans and spinach over pasta for dinner, and it was a contented crew who retired below at 2130 to escape mosquitos.

One response so far

One Response to “June 22 Tobermory to Covered Portage via Killarney 46.9 NM”

  1. Patricia Kleinon 24 Jun 2009 at 9:23 pm

    Thanks for the update! Sunny and hot (near 90) in Cuyahoga Falls, also. Covered Portage sounds really pretty. Never had white beans – maybe mixed with other beans. Sounds good with spinach and pasta!

    I have mosquito bites from feeding the outside birds. I can wear long sleeves and pants and they still get me.

    Happy Sailing!