Jun 24 2009

June 23 Covered Portage to Little Current 18.8 NM

Published by Kip at 9:28 am under Uncategorized

After a big breakfast, we hauled anchor at 1000 to rendezvous with Windchaser in the Landsdowne Channel at 1030. They were running a half hour late , and we decided to keep going in order to make the 1300 bridge to  Little Current. We made it with 5 minutes to spare. A couple of comments are in order.  This one lane swing bridge is the only land connection between very large Manitoulin Island and the rest of Canada so opening it once every hour is a serious disruption to traffic. The bridge also spans the only narrow waterway that connects the eastern and western parts of  the North Channel. So when the wind blows particularly from the west severe currents build up as the water is driven through this narrow gap.  Someone with an odd sense of humor came up with the name of Little Current for the town. Well for us with light winds all day there really was little current. We were able to tie up on the wall in front of the all important Laundromat as there were only four other boats tied up . After 10 days it was serious Laundry time in the afternoon for us and Windchaser when they came through on the 1400 bridge  and docked behind us.  This was another hot day and the locals are saying the weather forecast is for 95-100 degrees tomorrow.  We have decided to adjust our schedule to stay here tomorrow in order to grocery shop and clean the boat. We will stay in Gore Bay on Thursday and leave at noon on Friday, after visiting the Farmers Market and Fishman, for Eagle Island and other anchorages.

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